Hermann Upmann was a banker from Germany who loved Cuban cigars so much that he moved to Havana in 1844, where he worked as a banker and cigar manufacturer from then on. His bank had to close shortly after 1920, but his cigars live on as an excellent example of a light to medium-bodied Habano. Upmann's success was guaranteed by his efforts to deliver only first-class quality. The H.Upmann -Habanos were known for their packaging in noble boxes made of Spanish cedar wood together with a guarantee declaration and the signature of Hermann Upmann - the production took place and takes place in Havana. The triumph of the Havana in the middle of the 19th century helped the brand achieve a lasting presence. Hermann Upmann was soon one of the five owners with the largest cigar factories in Cuba, who joined together to form the Havana Brand Association to better protect themselves against counterfeits. However, the merging of the bank and cigar factory was not very successful and resulted in several changes of ownership, but the quality was always right and the established brand was retained. The many gold medals that the manufactory received at important exhibitions around the world certainly contributed to this. The brand's light to medium-strength long fillers are still popular today.
All formats are totalmente a mano, tripa larga – long fillers made entirely by hand.