Products description
Vegueros Centrofinos
In the Vuelta Abajo region, it is a tradition for farmers (vegueros) to make their own cigars. Visitors to this part of Pinar del Río province are often keen to try these cigars, made in the country that grows some of the finest tobacco in the world. As a result, in 1997, the Vegueros brand was approved on the market in honor of the untold generations that had cultivated tobacco in Pinar del Río. Their blends are characterized by a special aroma intensity that reflects the preferences of the local people.
They are made in the heart of the city of Pinar del Río in the "Francisco Donatien" factory, which was built in 1868 and converted into a cigar factory in 1961.
All formats are ‘totalmente a mano, tripa larga’ - long fillers made entirely by hand
Format: Centro Finos
Ring gauge: 50
Diameter: 19.8mm
Length: 130mm
Box: 16 cigars Manufactured by: International Cubana de Tabacos, Cuba, Ave. Independence No. 34501 between 345 and 1ro. de Mayo C.P. 19210, municipio Boyeros, city of La Habana - Sales: 5th Avenue Products Trading GmbH, Schwarzenbergstrasse 3-7, 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
This Product was added to our catalogue on 28/06/2019.