The Hemingway Perfecto is without question one of the most difficult cigars to make due to its format. The Hemingway blend, in which the filler and binder come from the Dominican Republic, together with a selected Cameroon wrapper leaf ensures rich, white clouds of smoke with a rich aroma. The workmanship is absolutely flawless and the burning is perfect.
»Today we produce a whole range of Perfecto cigars. These cigars are a very special treat for all lovers who enjoy smoking cigars as much as we do. Hemingway cigars have a very special place in my heart and memories. I always have fond memories of watching my grandfather make this cigar format. That's why it's a great pleasure for me that these cigars are now being made again in our factory in the Dominican Republic. I hope that when you enjoy Hemingway cigars, you feel something of what they mean to our family.« (Carlito Fuente)