Products description
Davidoff Maduro Short Corona
The new Davidoff Maduro Limited Release in Toro, Robusto and Short Corona formats is the successor to the 2008 Davidoff Maduro with an advanced blend that offers the experienced aficionado a more balanced and nuanced flavor profile. Davidoff's master blenders have managed to create a full-bodied, medium-intensity cigar - a combination that is highly appreciated. To create the typical sweet notes of a real Maduro, Davidoff invested 16 months of fermentation and 2 years of aging in the tobacco of this cigar. All formats are wrapped in a dark Ecuadorian Corte #7 wrapper. This leaf grows in the upper part of the tobacco plant, where it receives the most sunlight and therefore develops a thicker structure. A leaf of this quality requires significantly more time to ferment naturally. That's why Davidoff doubled the fermentation time of the Maduro wrapper leaf to create a natural temperature rise in the fermentation stack that matches the leaf. The heat ultimately ensures the sweeter, finer and more aromatic taste of the Maduro.
The blend of tobaccos from Ecuador, Mexico and the Dominican Republic offers the typical palate stimulation of a real Maduro cigar. In particular, the clear influence of the Ecuadorian wrapper leaf ensures a sweet, creamy taste experience. The start of the Maduro is characterized by a dominant sweetness, introduced by deep notes of dark chocolate and accompanied by a creaminess. Nut and dried fruit notes round off the first third. In the middle part, sweet honey aromas take over. Complementary but never overpowering oak notes draw attention, while the lingering creaminess underpins the enjoyment. In the grand finale of the cigar, the predominant sweetness gives way to a spicier taste. Dominant notes of roasted nuts and aromas of earth and white pepper provide dynamism and round off this entertaining taste experience.
Box: 20 cigars
Unit Price: 43,00 € Distribution: Davidoff of Geneva Germany GmbH, Wendenstrasse 377, 20537 Hamburg, Deutschland
This Product was added to our catalogue on 21/05/2021.