Santa Damiana is the cosmopolitan among cigars and is at home in humidors around the world as the epitome of Dominican joie de vivre.
For over 20 years, the brand has been one of the best-known and most popular hand-rolled cigars from the Dominican Republic. Three series are manufactured in the famous “Tabacalera de Garcia” factory. The tobacco for Santa Damiana is sorted by hand and matures for at least 2 years before it is processed. This means that the aficionado can enjoy this cigar straight away and does not have to store it like many others before.
In addition to experienced rollers who have mastered their craft perfectly, the secret of Santa Damiana's success lies in the composition of the tobaccos. Like a recipe, it's all about mixing the ingredients in the right proportions. The stars in gastronomy are the “Cigar Trophies” for special cigars. For two years in a row, the Santa Damiana has won this highly prized trophy for its excellent value for money.