Products description
Zino Nicaragua Gordo
These Zino cigars are an exciting blend of filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, encased in a Nicaraguan binder and finished with an Ecuadorian wrapper. The medium-bodied to full-bodied cigars offer distinctive aromas of cedar, coffee and fresh spices. The blend from different countries of origin combines an intense Nicaraguan spice with the creaminess of Dominican tobaccos.
Thanks to its generous ring gauge of 60, the Zino Nicaragua Gordo Aficionados offers an extremely balanced taste experience with the main aromas of dark chocolate, salted nuts and fresh pepper. The large ring gauge also enables an extremely precise distribution of the tobacco, so that the cigar as a whole appears milder than the other formats in the line.
FILLER: Olancho Visus, Jamastran Visus (Honduras), Ometepe Visus (Nicaragua), San Vicente Seco, San Vicente Mejorade Seco (Dominican Republic)
BINDER: Semilla Seco 56 from Nicaragua
WRAPPER: Connecticut Ecuador
Freshpack: 4 cigars
Unit Price: 9,00 € Distribution: Davidoff of Geneva Germany GmbH, Wendenstrasse 377, 20537 Hamburg, Deutschland
This Product was added to our catalogue on 31/08/2022.