Products description
Zino Nicaragua Half Corona
These Zino cigars are an exciting blend of filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, encased in a Nicaraguan binder and finished with an Ecuadorian wrapper. The medium-bodied to full-bodied cigars offer distinctive aromas of cedar, coffee and fresh spices. The blend from different countries of origin combines an intense Nicaraguan spice with the creaminess of Dominican tobaccos.
These hand made long filler cigars were cut by hand with a circular cutter (pre-cut) and are therefore immediately ready for consumption.
The practical metal case offers protection for 5 cigars and is ideal for enjoyment on the go. This format is also perfect for newcomers to cigars, as no knowledge or tools are required for the cut.
FILLER: Olancho Visus, Jamastran Visus (Honduras), Ometepe Visus (Nicaragua), San Vicente Seco, San Vicente Mejorade Seco (Dominican Republic)
BINDER: Semilla Seco 56 from Nicaragua
WRAPPER: Connecticut Ecuador
Box: 5 cigars
Unit Price: 5,90 € Distribution: Davidoff of Geneva Germany GmbH, Wendenstrasse 377, 20537 Hamburg, Deutschland
This Product was added to our catalogue on 22/07/2023.