Products description
Zino Nicaragua Short Torpedo
These Zino cigars are an exciting blend of filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, encased in a Nicaraguan binder and finished with an Ecuadorian wrapper. The medium-bodied to full-bodied cigars offer distinctive aromas of cedar, coffee and fresh spices. The blend from different countries of origin combines an intense Nicaraguan spice with the creaminess of Dominican tobaccos.
FILLER: Olancho Visus, Jamastran Visus (Honduras), Ometepe Visus (Nicaragua), San Vicente Seco, San Vicente Mejorade Seco (Dominican Republic)
BINDER: Semilla Seco 56 from Nicaragua
WRAPPER: Connecticut Ecuador
Freshpack: 4 cigars
Unit Price: 6,50 € Distribution: Davidoff of Geneva Germany GmbH, Wendenstrasse 377, 20537 Hamburg, Deutschland
This Product was added to our catalogue on 28/05/2021.