A man with a dream In 1998, "Eduardo Fernandez" went to Nicaragua with a dream: He wanted to grow the best tobacco in the world that captures the essence of old Cuban cigars. To this end, he traveled to Cuba, assembled a world-class team of Cuban agronomists who had worked at the highest levels of Cubatobaco, in many cases for over half a century, and brought them to Nicaragua. These men oversaw tobacco production during the heyday of Cuban cigars, knowing exactly the flavor they were famous for and recognizing that they could combine the style and flavor of the Cuban leaf with traditional Cuban methods combined with those available to them in Nicaragua could restore resources. The tobacco they grew is called “Aganorsa Leaf.” »FROM SEED TO ASH« More than 20 years and countless awards later, »Aganorsa Leaf« is known around the world for its distinctive taste, combining all the great characteristics of the Nicaraguan terroir with the classic Cuban aroma and taste. As a vertically integrated company, Aganorsa Leaf monitors the entire production process - from seed to ash - ensuring that each cigar always offers maximum enjoyment. Each cigar rolled in factories in Nicaragua and Miami contains the finest round Aganorsa leaves and is crafted under the watchful eye of Eduardo, his son Max and their team of Cuban supervisors. When you smoke this world-class blend, you will experience the difference between ordinary tobacco and Aganorsa leaf.