Products description
CigarKings Elegantes Sun Grown
The Elegantes is, as its name suggests, the epitome of elegance in the world of cigars. Their shape is CigarKings way of expressing passion in this iconic art form and creating a cigar that makes a bold statement. With such a unique, distinctive shape, CigarKings designed the Elegantes to take flavor to a whole new level of intensity through its tapered base. Elegantes can be enjoyed in a perfect 1 hour smoke time, giving her great versatility.
CigarKings' goal with the Nicaragua series is to obtain cigars with a complex and creamy smoke. This is made possible by using only Viso and Seco tobacco and using their secret binders to create the flavor normally found in heavier flavored cigars. The natural Sun Grown wrapper is used to complement both the filler and binders for a light and creamy flavor.
All CigarKings cigars are rolled in the traditional, entubado style ( Totalmente a Mano ), which means the filler is rolled entirely by hand and sealed with a triple cap. This increases the enjoyment experience and allows for more smoke channels and enhances the flavor with every hit.
Box: 12 cigars
Unit Price: 9,80 € Distribution: CigarKings GmbH, Drosselweg 15, 81827 München, Germany
This Product was added to our catalogue on 16/09/2022.