Medio Siglo means half a century in Spanish. This cigar is the evolution of the popular Clásico line, which has been rolled in Nicaragua for over fifty years. With the same balance and elegance, Clásico Medio Siglo embodies the legacy of generations of people dedicated to making these cigars, but with an intensified Nicaraguan flavor profile. Clásico Medio Siglo is a balanced cigar with various tendencies towards spices, wood and leather notes. Wrapper: Ecuador Binder: Nicaragua Filler: Nicaragua
Box: 25 cigars
Distribution: Arnold André - The Cigar Company, Moltkestrasse 10-18, 32257 Bünde, Germany
Very good value for money. Smooth, mild and full of aroma. One of my favourites. I read somewhere that president Nixon smoked these cigars. I would recommend them for those who do not like strong ones.
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