With the decision at Villiger in Nicaragua, more precisely in the heart of the Nicaraguan cigar industry, in Estelí, to build their own cigar factory under the name VILLIGER DE NICARAGUA, the production of LA LIBERTAD is now also moving from Honduras to Nicaragua.
A Criollo wrapper from Nicaragua wraps the binder from the Cibao Valley in the Dominican Republic. In combination with the filler tobacco, Seco Jalapa, Viso Esteli and Ligero Esteli, all of which come from Nicaragua, a blend has been created that meets the highest smoking demands.
The result after many tests is a cigar with a strength of Medium +, with a multifaceted spectrum of aromas, harmoniously in harmony with a multitude of taste nuances. The taste is powerful and round, enriched with notes of dark chocolate, coffee, spices and caramel.