Products description
Paradiso Elegancia Robusto
While cigars with the name Paradiso have so far been known as strong, the Elegancia presents itself more from its gentle side. Packed with long-filler tobaccos from Nicaragua, which are held together by a binder from Nicaragua, the Elegancia reaches us. Of course, all of these tobaccos come from the Garcia family's own plantations. This phenomenally exciting cigar is crowned by a golden-brownish shimmering decker from Ecuador.
Even if the Elegancia serves more quieter, gentler aromas, we don't have to forego the typical spicy notes.
White pepper meets creamy notes of oak, earth and coffee. Honey and cocoa round off the complex aroma profile wonderfully.
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Box: 25 cigars Distribution: M. K. & Söhne GmbH, Moordamm 32d, 25474 Ellerbek, Germany
This Product was added to our catalogue on 20/03/2024.