Products description
Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition
2013 – the year in which a black band encircled a Davidoff cigar for the first time was the beginning of an exciting journey of taste.
The tobacco leaves of these limited edition cigars are pressed firmly into a rum barrel. When the temperature in the closed barrel rises, the fermentation process begins. The rise in temperature is checked regularly so that the tobacco does not overheat. The tobacco is allowed to mature in the barrel for a total of six months. Meanwhile, it is redeployed every two weeks in a time-consuming process. Over time, the tobacco absorbs the rum aromas of the wooden barrel. This is a natural process that does not involve applying rum directly to the tobacco leaves. Aging in barrels adds complexity and depth to the aromas. In particular, the use of the Nicaraguan Estelí Seco, which was previously allowed to mature for 9 years, noticeably refines the taste experience through barrel aging.
At the beginning, the Gran Toro inspires with complex aromas of nuts. The Nicaraguan filler tobaccos contribute with notes of fresh spice and leather. The considerable age of the tobacco noticeably ensures balance. In the middle third, the spicy stimulation slowly subsides, while the taste develops into more intense notes of oak, latte and exciting eucalyptus aromas. Towards the end, the intensity increases again and the previous latte notes turn into those of black coffee. Flavors of fresh herbs join the ever-present toasty aromas of this masterpiece.
FORMAT: Gran Toro
DIAMETER: 2.3 cm
LENGTH: 15.2cm
FILLER: Estelí Seco fassgereift (Rum), Estelí Semilla B Visus, Estelí Semilla A Ligero, Jalapa Visus, Condega Seco (Nicaragua)
BINDER: Jalapa Seco (Nicaragua)
WRAPPER: Ecuador
Box: 12 cigars
Unit Price: 36,00 € Distribution: Davidoff of Geneva Germany GmbH, Wendenstrasse 377, 20537 Hamburg, Deutschland
This Product was added to our catalogue on 26/10/2021.