Products description
El Habano Moderno: A Collector's Guide to Cuban Cigars of the Modern Era
El Habano Moderno: A Collector's Guide to Cuban Cigars of the Modern Era is a compelling new book authored by Australian Habanos enthusiast Alexander Groom, the man behind the Cuban Cigar Website. With "El Habano Moderno" he has created a fascinating reference work on modern Cuban cigars, which is presented in two parts. The first part provides a brief overview of the history of the Cuban cigar, along with a detailed analysis of the various details and methods that can be used to date and authenticate Cuban cigars of any time period. The second part contains detailed information about every single release of Cuban cigars produced in the modern era, beginning in the early 2000s. It contains detailed information on more than 1,000 cigars, illustrated with high-quality photographic images (most of which were created specifically for this work). This section also includes important details on packaging, sizes, release dates, and quantities.
The book is an absolute must-have for every Habanos lover!
Language: English
Number of pages: 700
Weight: 4.2kg This Product was added to our catalogue on 13/08/2018.